I fired away the first question in regards to the origin of the name Queensrÿche. Whip told me that band, back when they were known as The Mob, was about to put out their debut EP in 1983, but a record store owner told them they could not use the name because it was already taken. So, according to Whip, founding guitarist Chris DeGarmo (more…)
February 2020
INTERVIEW: Sweet Death Entertainment (Michael Wilton)
(Video) A.J. Motts and R.J. Stone of Sweet Death Entertainment interviewed Michael Wilton at the House of Blues in Dallas, Texas. (more…)
ALBUM REVIEW: Metal-Rules.com (The Verdict)
Believe or not this is the first Queensryche studio album I have reviewed. This seems strange to me because I have been a fan of Queensryche since 1984 and writing for Metal-Rules.com since 2001, which covers seven or eight albums worth of Queensryche studio releases. However, for a big chunk of that time, I was not a big fan of what the band was doing for about 20 years from 1994 to 2013. The old saying goes, if you don’t have anything nice to say…. and besides other staff members were willing to cover those albums so all is well. (more…)