Having followed the career of a fellow Port Townsend High School alum, I had an opportunity to catch up with Port Townsend native and 2005 graduate Parker Lundgren in Madison, Wisconsin, during the 2017 Brat Fest, the world’s largest bratwurst fest.
The lead/rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist shared some of his thoughts on Port Townsend, Queensrÿche’s 2015 release of “Condition Hüman” (U.S. Billboard, no. 27), and supporting fellow small-town musicians.
Tommy Rage (T.R.): As the lead/rhythm guitarist and backing vocalist of a band known around the world, Queensrÿche, what is different about touring nationally versus our small town back home?
Parker Lundgren (P.L.): We love performing all over the world. I especially enjoy Europe and the East Coast. Finding a nice little authentic “speak-easy” reminds me of the little places back in Port Townsend.