Recently Merriweather Post Pavilion in Columbia, MD played host to the annual M3 Rock Festival. Heavy Metal music fans spent two splendid days enjoying the music and mayhem with a few thousand of their closest friends. (more…)
INTERVIEW: CV Independent (Todd La Torre)
During a recent phone interview, La Torre explained his personal philosophy as a frontman. (more…)
INTERVIEW: The Dwarf Australia (Michael Wilton)
The Dwarf In Conversation With Queensryche (more…)
INTERVIEW: Metal Obsession (Michael Wilton)
Queensrÿche are heading back to Australian soil in October this year. After having endured a very public lawsuit episode featuring former vocalist Geoff Tate, the band is truly back to the form of their glory days. (more…)
INTERVIEW: AAA Backstage (Michael Wilton)
Over the past five years American progressive metallers Queensryche have undergone a major facelift to rebuild themselves back up as the legendary act of the 80s and 90s. (more…)
INTERVIEW: Sticks for Stones (Michael Wilton)
Levi: You’re up to your second album with Todd La Torre, how have crowds been reacting to him as the new frontman?
Michael: He seamlessly integrated into the band, fans love him, he’s the real deal, there’s no prima donna ego on-stage. It’s not an act, it’s all real. As far as the albums go people are just blown away by Condition Human and his performance on it. We have to prove ourselves with every show and that’s what we have been doing. (more…)
INTERVIEW: Blitz Magazine (Michael Wilton)
INTERVIEW: Across the Ocean (Michael Wilton)
Queensryche! It has been a while between tours for this progressive metal band know as Queensryche from Washington. Get on board fans because Queensryche is at its best playing awesome shows all over the world topped off (more…)
INTERVIEW: Silver Tiger Media (Michael Wilton)
Having sold over 30 million albums around the world over the course of their storied 30-plus-year career, QUEENSRŸCHE’s triumphant legacy (more…)
INTERVIEW: Heavy Metal Bands Info (Michael Wilton)
‘The fans will be getting a rebirth of Queensryche’, an interview with Michael Wilton (more…)